
IMPORTANT UPDATE - new 4-day working week

09 April 2020

From 20th April, all NCC staff will work a 4-day week, from Mondays to Thursdays. We will be completely shut on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

We will also re-open our workshop to support customer work and the national ventilator and recovery efforts, following a message from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to the UK manufacturing sector. We will have a phased return to the workshop for some of our manufacturing team, observing special measures for social distancing. 

The majority of our staff will continue to work from home. You can get in touch with us through your usual contacts via email and phone, or please email [email protected]

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We will continue to update our website and social media channels to keep you informed. 


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