If you need to focus on improving the strength and stiffness elements of your composite designs this course will give you a knowledge of composite properties and an understanding of how each of the plies effect the global part.
Composites are a much more complex material to predict the behaviour of than traditional bulk plastics and metals.
In this course we will give you an understanding of the theory behind how to build up the part properties of a composite from the properties of the individual plies. We'll then look at how to take those part properties back down to the ply level to work out when the first ply will fail.
What we’ll cover:
- The fundamentals and physical principles of strength and stiffness
- The difference between Micro and Meso levels:
- Micromechanics (via rule of mixtures):
- In-plane stiffness and in-plane strength
- Mesomechanics:
- ABD matrix
- Coupling effects
- Polar plots
- Carpet plots
- First ply failure
- Micromechanics (via rule of mixtures):
- The basics of Classical Lamination Theory
- How coupling works
- Performing basic calculation on strength and strain
- Performing the preliminary design of a simple composite structure
- Building intuition on how composite structures work
We're here to help
If you have any questions about this course or whether it's right for you please contact our training team.
Email: [email protected]
Call: +44 (0)117 370 7600, 9:00 - 16:00 GMT Monday - Friday
Virtual Classroom Course:
- Live classes delivered by our expert tutors
- Broadcast from our on site studio
- Maximum 15 students per class
- Fully interactive, ask questions & participate in group discussions
- Personalised course completion certificate
Cost: £800 per person
Duration: 4 x 3 hour classes over 4 days - 09:30-12:30
Course availability:
- 12-15th May
- 7-10th July
In person course:
- Delivered by our expert tutors on site at the National Composites Centre, Bristol
- Maximum 10 students per course
- Refreshments and lunch included
- Course materials
- Personalised course completion certificate
Cost: £800 per person
Duration: 2 days, 9:00 – 16:30
NCC, Bristol - Course availability:
- We are continuously updating our course calendar. Please contact us for future dates for this course. Email [email protected].