CySpace CCN Mapping Workshops Expression of Interest

Complete the form below to express your interest in attending our in-person CySpace CCN: UK Cyber and Space Domain Awareness Capability Mapping Workshops


The CySpace Connected Capability Network (CCN) is led by SpaceWest and delivered in partnership with Frazer-Nash ConsultancySpace South CentralNorth West Space ClusterSpace North EastSpace WalesSpace East and Space Northern Ireland as well as cyber clusters across the UK.  The programme is funded and supported by the Satellite Applications Catapult as part of their Connected Capability programme.

The CCN aims to increase resilience of UK space infrastructure. The programme brings together partners from across industry, academia and government within space domain awareness (SDA) and cyber security to map capabilities and expertise that can be leveraged to create new products and address critical vulnerabilities. The program began with Working Group workshops involving UK-wide representation from government, academia and industry to identify key UK cyber and SDA requirements to inform a Requirements Catalogue.

We are now hosting regional workshops to contribute towards a UK-wide mapping exercise of space domain awareness and cyber security capabilities during the Summer 2025. Each workshop will identify key cyber and SDA capabilities, and map them to the Requirement Catalogue. The Capability Mapping workshops will hold up to 100 attendees and last around 10:00-16:00. The workshops will take place throughout the UK in the North East, North West, Central South, South West, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland between May and September in Summer 2025. Register your interest to take part in workshops and learn more about the program below.

If you experience any issues completing this form, please email: [email protected]  

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