24 May 2022

The latest group of women to join UWE Bristol’s engineering mentoring programme, Women Like Me, took part in an online re-balancing workshop on May 11th, delivered by Developmental Coach, Joyce Birnie.
The workshop
Designed as a guided, self-coaching workshop, the session encouraged self-reflection and supported participants to explore some key questions about their own work-life balance, with the aim of helping them to:
- make sense of what work-life balance means for them
- identify opportunities for change
- harness their strengths to create the shift in balance they want
Many participants found that when their life-work was in balance they noticed they enjoyed better sleep, felt more calm, confident and productive. When asked their thoughts on potential barriers to achieving balance, the most common response was the expectations of others.

Women Like Me 2022
This workshop was delivered as part of the 2022 programme for Women Like Me, a peer-mentoring and outreach project for women engineers, run by the School of Engineering and Science Communication Unit at UWE Bristol.
This year’s programme launched in March 2022 with a training and networking event hosted by the DETI Inspire team at UWE, in their new Prototype and Play outreach classroom within the new School of Engineering building. The launch event was very well attended, allowing mentors and mentees to meet in person, share their own experiences, and discuss the mentoring and outreach opportunities available to them as part of the programme.

If you would like more information on the re-balancing workshop, please get in touch with Joyce at [email protected], or if you would like to know more about the Women Like Me programme please contact [email protected]