Friday, 22 Nov 2019

Gareth Williams, Director of Energy at the NCC, is delivering a Tech20 Talk at the Oil & Gas Technology Centre (OGTC)
We face a truly global challenge to meet the energy demands of a growing and technology-driven population, whilst the attention of the world is squarely focused on limiting the release of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere.
The burden of expectation falls on the energy sector to solve this conundrum and to deliver the ground-breaking solutions that bring a more sustainable existence for future generations.
This talk explores how the introduction of new materials and the integration of a balanced energy portfolio can deliver a new era for energy infrastructure to become a pillar for future sustainability in the sector.
Gareth is an Aeronautical Engineer who developed world-leading research into Self-Healing Carbon Fibre Composites during his PhD at the University of Bristol. He has worked his entire career in applied Research and Development in composite materials around the world and has worked in professional services and consultancy roles for the likes of KPMG. Now Gareth has returned to his roots in Bristol and is the Director for Energy at the National Composites Centre where he is at the forefront of introducing transformational change into the industry by utilising the benefits of lightweight, zero corrosion composite materials.
What is Tech20?
Tech20 is an event series run by the OGTC which features world-leading experts, exploring the latest tech trends, asking big questions and sharing big ideas.