Tuesday, 31 May 2022

The National Composites Centre (NCC) will be presenting with B&M Longworth and Cygnet Texkimp at the CIUK Sector Showcase: Hydrogen and the Composites Supply Chain, taking place 31st May, at the Advanced Propulsion Centre, Coventry.
Hydrogen has been hyped to become the world’s next major fuel source as it can be made safely from renewable energy sources and is virtually non-polluting.
It is predicted that hydrogen could supply 25% of global energy needs by 2050, creating an economy worth c.$10 trillion [Source: Composites Leadership Forum Report, Aug 21].
Solutions for how hydrogen is stored has turned to carbon fibre for its lightweight, durable properties that can withstand the high pressures required for the vessels to hold the gas. Glass fibre composites however play a major role in renewable energy generation and therefore the opportunities for the entire composites supply chain are huge.
This event will ask what are these opportunities, and what challenges exist to overcome?