Thursday, 10 Nov 2022
Join the National Composites Centre (NCC) and the University of Bristol's Bristol Composites Institute (BCI) for their joint annual conference, hosted at the NCC.
The NCC and BCI work in partnership to address some of the key engineering challenges of our time, particularly focusing on how composites will ensure a net zero future for the UK.
The conference will showcase the cross-TRL work we conduct together, and how we can work in partnership with industry to advance and optimise their technology developments, and fast-track innovation.
In the morning, you’ll hear updates from the NCC and BCI on their work in Sustainability, Hydrogen and Digital. The afternoon session will focus on transitional research, and how the gap between the technology readiness levels can be bridged. The keynote presentation will be given by Kate Barnard, and the panel session will be chaired by Michele Barbour, and feature Kate Barnard, Matt Scott, Valeska Ting, Dominic Bloom, Kate Robson-Brown and Musty Rampuri.
09:30: Registration open
10:00: Welcome
10:05: NCC overview: Enrique Garcia (Chief Technology Officer, NCC)
10:25: BCI overview: Ole Thomsen (Co-Director, BCI)
10:45: Q&A
10:50: Joint NCC/BCI activities, focusing on:
- Sustainability (Tim Young, Head of Sustainable Technologies, NCC, Karthik Ram Ramakrishnan, NCC Lecturer in Sustainable Composites, BCI and NCC, and Patrick Sullivan, EngD Scheme Research Engineer in Composite Recycling, BCI and NCC)
- Hydrogen (Huw Edwards, EngD Scheme Research Engineer in Cryogenic Testing, BCI and NCC, and Giuliano Allegri, Professor of Structural Integrity of Composites, BCI)
- Digital (Jonathan Belnoue, NCC Lecturer in Composites Manufacturing Process Simulation, BCI and NCC, and Jonathan Butt, Chief Engineer in Digital Manufacturing, NCC).
12:30: Lunch & networking
14:00: Keynote presentation: "Transitional research - mind the gap!" – Kate Barnard (WhatBox Consulting)
14:25: Panel session:
- Chair: Michele Barbour (Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor: Enterprise and Innovation, University of Bristol)
- Kate Barnard (Founder and Director, WhatBox Consulting)
- Matt Scott (Chief Engineer for Capability, NCC)
- Valeska Ting (Professor of Smart Nanomaterials, BCI)
- Dominic Bloom (Business Development Manager, iCOMAT)
- Kate Robson-Brown (Director of the Jean Golding Institute, University of Bristol)
- Musty Rampuri (Director of Enterprise Services, University of Bristol)
15:30: Close