Wednesday, 30 Mar 2022
EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub Sustainability workshop
The National Composites Centre (NCC) is pleased to host the EPSRC Future Composites Manufacturing Research Hub Sustainability workshop on Wednesday 30 March 2022.
A combination of presentations and interactive sessions will give delegates the opportunity to discuss Sustainability challenges and developments within the composites manufacturing sector. Sustainability is of key importance to the future of the composites industry. The high-specific properties and durability of composite materials offer well-known advantages in the use-phase via lightweighting, increase of life and reduction in maintenance. However, the high embodied energy of the constituent materials and lack of an established recycling route must be considered in any Life Cycle Analysis. The workshop aims to highlight the sustainability activities within the NCC, strengthen links with the Hub and identify ongoing and future research challenges.
This is a free to attend event, and lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to attend the workshop, please register your attendance by completing this form by Monday 21 March 2022.
09:30 Welcome and Introduction to Event - NCC Director
09:45 A Snapshot of Composites Manufacturing Sustainability Research - Nick Warrior
NCC presentations
10:05 Sustainability Vision and Journey - Tim Young
10:25 Net Zero: what are we doing at the NCC and how are we supporting SMEs - Kyle Pender
10:45 SusWIND - Peter Giddings
11:05 Composites @ End-of-life - Vicky Summers
11:25 Coffee break
11:40 Manufacturing waste - Patrick Sullivan
12:00 Bio-Bolster case study - Annabel Fitzgerald
12:20 Life cycle Engineering and its application to composite structural design - Will Proud
12:40 Hydrogen and the 2025 target - Marcus Walls-Bruck
13:00 Lunch break
CIMCOMP Workshops
14:00 Research challenges in composites recycling methodologies
14:20 Research challenges in composites life cycle assessment processes
14:40 Research challenges in sustainability in composites manufacturing processes
15:00 Research challenges in composites manufacturing with recovered fibres
CLF workshop
15:20 Business case and CLF/industrial support to funding opportunities
15:40 Coffee break
15:55 Wrap-up: Overview of workshop findings + next steps - James Whyman