Thursday, 14 Oct 2021

Join DETI Partner, the Centre for Modelling & Simulation (CFMS) at Bristol Technology Festival, 10-12.00 hrs on 14th October 2021, where you will hear first-hand about the two approaches used in the HS2 and KISPE projects;
Robert Cairns, Innovation Manager at HS2, will talk about the design optimisation of earthworks for flood prevention, as well as air acoustics which resulted in significant savings and improvements across the project.
Davide Bianchi, Head of Advanced Simulation at CFMS, will talk about the KISPE project and the latest methodologies used to automatically generate hundreds of finite element models of the Open Source Satellite structure, optimise the results, and bring a versatile multi-mission OSSAT closer to reality.
- Emily Kent, Co-founder of One Big Circle, will talk about the AIVR (Automated Intelligent Video Review) technology that has increased safety and efficiency for the UK rail industry whilst reducing costs and time on site.
Whether inventing a new product or reviewing a process or system, digital technology gives us the ability to collect, analyse and simulate physical behaviour in virtual spaces, enabling the design and development of more efficient solutions in a growing range of applications.
Taking place at The Engine Shed, Bristol, this event is free to attend.