Tuesday, 30 Nov 2021
5G-Encode, partially funded by DCMS as part of the 5G Test Beds and Trials Programme, is one of the UK Government’s biggest investment in 5G for manufacturing to date. The programme demonstrates the value of 5G on industrial use cases, creating new business models that will help the UK to lead the development of advanced manufacturing applications.
Consisting of a state-of-the-art 5G test bed hosted at the National Composites Centre (NCC) in the South West of England, this will provide an open access test bed for the experimentation and development of new products and services for the manufacturing and technology industries.
The launch of the 5G-Encode test bed will provide the opportunity for delegates to experience four industry demonstrations that showcase the power of 5G technology, the event will also offer the opportunity to tour the test bed and facility. This event is by invitation only. If you are interested in finding out more about accessing the 5G test bed, email; [email protected]